Siaba Besar

Siaba Besar dive site

Description: A sheltered bay ideal for less experienced divers and macro enthusiasts.
Marine Life: Seahorses, pipefish, frogfish, and a variety of small critters. It’s also a good spot for finding turtles grazing on the seagrass beds.
Highlights: Calm conditions and rich macro life make it perfect for leisurely dives and photography.

Siaba Besar, located within Komodo National Park in Indonesia, is a renowned dive site celebrated for its vibrant marine life and relatively calm diving conditions, making it an excellent spot for divers of all experience levels, particularly beginners.

Key Features of Siaba Besar

Marine Life:

Turtles: The site is often nicknamed “Turtle City” due to the high number of green and hawksbill turtles that are frequently spotted grazing on the seagrass beds or resting on coral formations.
Coral Gardens: Siaba Besar boasts extensive coral gardens with a mix of hard and soft corals, creating a colorful underwater landscape.
Fish Species: Divers can encounter a variety of reef fish such as clownfish, parrotfish, and angelfish. Schools of fusiliers, sweetlips, and snapper are also common.
Macro Life: The sandy areas and coral crevices are home to an array of macro life including nudibranchs, frogfish, and shrimp, which are particularly popular with underwater photographers.

Diving Conditions:

Calm Waters: The site is known for its sheltered position, offering calm waters and minimal currents, which contribute to good visibility often ranging from 15 to 30 meters.
Depth Range: The dive site features a gentle slope with depths ranging from 5 to 30 meters, providing suitable conditions for both snorkeling and scuba diving.
Temperature: Water temperatures are typically warm, ranging between 26 to 29 degrees Celsius.


Sloping Reef: The underwater terrain at Siaba Besar consists of a sloping reef that descends gently from the shoreline, covered in a mosaic of coral gardens and interspersed with sandy patches.
Seagrass Beds: These are particularly attractive to turtles and other grazing species, adding to the biodiversity of the site.

Diving Experience
Beginner-Friendly: Due to the protected nature of the site and the absence of strong currents, Siaba Besar is ideal for novice divers. The easy conditions allow beginners to gain confidence while exploring a richly biodiverse environment.
Photography: The abundance of light and clear waters, combined with the diverse marine life, make it an excellent location for underwater photography.

Conservation and Protection
Komodo National Park: As part of this UNESCO World Heritage site, Siaba Besar benefits from the conservation efforts aimed at protecting its marine ecosystems. Divers are encouraged to practice sustainable diving and respect the local wildlife and habitats.

Liveaboards and Dive Tours: Many liveaboards and local dive operators offer trips to Siaba Besar as part of their itineraries, making it easily accessible for visitors staying in Labuan Bajo or exploring the broader Komodo National Park.

Siaba Besar provides a captivating underwater experience with its serene environment and abundant marine life, offering both novice and experienced divers a chance to explore one of Komodo National Park’s most enchanting dive sites.

Publish on 2024-04-17,Update on 2024-07-21